Here's what to read,‌ listen to,‌ and watch to kickstart your week.‌
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READ: Beyond Happiness by Jenn Lim
Jenn Lim, the CEO and Chief Happiness Officer of Delivering Happiness, is launching her new book today, Beyond Happiness: How Authentic Leaders Prioritize Purpose and People for Growth and Impact. She joined me on my podcast (episode 32) to talk about happiness at work, and her new book shows individuals, teams and leaders how to:

  • Get back to the core of who we are and live the purposeful life we want to lead at work.
  • Adapt to unknowns by applying purpose, values, and behaviors to navigate the future of work.
  • Create “people ecosystems” that cultivate happiness, embrace wholeness, and nurture new ways to be and feel more human at work.

At a time when the world could benefit from happiness more than ever, I encourage you to check out this book to help you thrive.
LISTEN: What's Essential Podcast with Greg McKeown
Recently Greg McKeown, author of Essentialism, launched a new podcast, What's Essential, to help people deliberately distinguish the vital from the trivial, and then remove those obstacles to create a clear path to accomplishing what matters. I joined him as a guest on his show recently, and we talked about how when you get clear on what really matters in your life, everything else starts to fall into place. Tune in to hear our conversation on:

  • Why purpose is more important than achievement
  • How to manage your energy so you have energy for what matters most
  • Strategies to help you be a better negotiator

BONUS: Check out Greg's episode on Game Changers with Molly Fletcher. Leaders, listen in for some great takeaways that will shift your mindset.

WATCH: The Secret to Retaining Top Talent
Leaders are talking about 2022 being the year of the Great Resignation, how top talent and future leaders are looking to leave and go somewhere else where they might be happier. When I was a sports agent, it was like every day could be the Great Resignation. In the agent business, many say there are more agents than athletes to represent. There are agents constantly trying to pick off your clients. My strategy to retain top talent as an agent was to over-deliver and find ways to pour into my clients so they couldn’t begin to think about taking a meeting with someone else.

Right now, our teams are exhausted. They’ve been burning the candle at both ends and have been for a long time now. I challenge you to look for ways to over-deliver for your team. In my latest video, I offer ways to help pour into your team by teaching them to beat burnout by managing their energy even more than their time. We need energy to sell, to lead, to solve, to serve, and to feel fulfilled in our jobs. Check in on your team and help support them so that they can make it to the other side of these challenging times. It's our job as leaders to help our people do just that. The big question is, are you?

Join me this Sunday, October 17 for TEDxBuckhead in Atlanta. Tickets are available now. If you can't join us live, we will definitely let you know when it's online! I'm pumped about this message. It's different than anything I've ever done before, but in the best way. I'm going to dig into how the drive to get better keeps the best at the top. When you can stop focusing on the competition against others, and start competing against yourself, that's when the magic happens. In that simple mindset shift, the drive to achieve is replaced by something more sustainable—the drive to get better. I can't wait to share more with you soon!
“The purpose of life is a life of purpose.” Robert Bryne
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